The cyber crime complaint to the in-charge of the cyber crime cells which are present in the major cities. Any aggrieved person can make such complaints with necessary evidence alleging the crime has been committed.

Follow the steps given below to strengthen your case related to the offence of Cyber crime:

Cyber crimes related to hacking, cracking, or unauthorized access:

Server Logs:ย Copy of defaced web page in soft copy as well as hard copy format, if your website is defaced. If data is compromised on your server or computer or any other network equipment, soft copy of original data and soft copy of compromised data.

Access credentials:ย Details of the access given to one or more persons.

Suspects list: if the victim is having any suspicion on anyone.

Background information:

  • What has beenย compromised
  • Who might have done it
  • Specify the particulars when the system was compromised
  • Any reasons for the alleged attack
  • Place of the attack

Cyber crimes related to cyber harassment, cyber smearing, blackmail, or obscene email communications:

Whenever you receive an email with obscene or threatening message with an intent to blackmail, or intimidate, you must not delete such emails. Instead, take a back up of such email content – both soft & hard copy. It is also advisable to take screenshots of the same.

At the time of making a cyber crime complaint, do extract the extended headers of offending e-mail and bring soft copy as well hard copy of offending e-mail. Provide the cyber cell authorities the content of the email in a pen drive for further investigation.

For any advice on lodging a cyber crime complaint, do contact our expert cyber lawyer.