Intellectual Property

Industrial Design

Industrial Design – Protection from Infringement

An industrial design is the aesthetic, new and unique aspects of a document or an article that includes both two-dimensional and three-dimensional features, patterns, shape or surface of an article, color or lines. Protect the unique appearance of a product or design with the registration of industrial design. Monitor industrial design right rigorously to prevent infringement, financial loss, and commercial exploitation. Assist clients with filing for industrial design application at Intellectual Property right office in your state. Provide end-to-end industrial design registration services from the initial search, application, registration, monitoring and enforcement of the right. Track unauthorized use of registered industrial design and institute proper legal proceedings for the monetary and reputational loss.

Get Free Initial Consultation on Industrial Design at Bangalore

For a free initial legal consultation with an IP Lawyer, please contact us today to listen to your case to determine the proper course of action for the industrial design search, industrial design registration, online filing of industrial design, drafting industrial design application, industrial design litigation, and international industrial design laws enforcement. We represent clients throughout India and have affiliates and partners in the major cities such as Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai. To schedule a consultation with a member of our team, fill out our contact form online.