Publishing False digital signature certificates - Sec.73 - Information Technology Act
Information Technology Act 73. Penalty for publishing electronic Signature Certificate false in certain particulars.- (1) No person shall publish a Electronic Signature Certificate or otherwise ...
Read MoreBreach of confidentiality and privacy - Sec.72 - Information Technology Act
Information Technology Act 72. Breach of confidentiality and privacy.- Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any other law for the time being in force, any person who, in pursuant of any of ...
Read MorePenalty for misrepresentation - Sec.71 - Information Technology Act
Information Technology Act 71. Penalty for misrepresentation.- Whoever makes any misrepresentation to, or suppresses any material fact from, the Controller or the Certifying Authority for obtain...
Read MoreUn-authorized access to protected system - Sec.70 - Information Technology Act
Information Technology Act *[ 70. Protected system.-(1) The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare any computer resource which directly or indirectly affects t...
Read MorePower to authorize to monitor and collect traffic data or information through any computer resource for Cyber Security â Sec.69B
*[ 69B. Power to authorize to monitor and collect traffic data or information through any computer resource for Cyber Security.-(1) The Central Government may, to enhance Cyber Security and for identi...
Read MorePower to issue directions for blocking for public access of any information through any computer resource - Sec.69A - Information Technology Act
Information Technology Act *[ 69A. Power to issue directions for blocking for public access of any information through any computer resource.- (1) Where the Central Government or any of its offi...
Read MorePowers to issue directions for interception or monitoring or decryption of any information through any computer resource - Sec.69 - Information Technology Act
Information Technology Act *[ 69. Powers to issue directions for interception or monitoring or decryption of any information through any computer resource.-(1) Where the central Government or a Sta...
Read MorePreservation and Retention of information by intermediaries â Sec.67C
* [67C. Preservation and Retention of information by intermediaries.-(1) Intermediary shall preserve and retain such information as may be specified for such duration and in such manner and format as ...
Read MoreCyber Laws Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form â Sec.67B
*[ 67B. Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form.-Whoever,- (a) publishes or transmits or causes to be published or t...
Read MoreCyber Laws Publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form â Sec.67A
* [ 67A. Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form. âWhoever publishes or transmits or causes to be published or transmitted ...
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